How to Taper Off Alcohol The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health

Each of these challenges requires a unique approach and often the support of professionals, loved ones and support groups. Understanding and preparing for these difficulties can greatly enhance the chances of successful recovery. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms consistent with DTs, call 911. DTs can be fatal, and a person going through them should have medical support in a hospital or rehab facility.

Decreased Risk of Alcohol-Related Death

However, it may be suitable for someone with a lower risk of experiencing alcohol withdrawal, or a person who has access to medical professionals at home. If you have been drinking heavily, reducing your alcohol consumption gradually can help you avoid severe withdrawal symptoms that can result in major health concerns and, in severe cases, death. If you want to cut back your alcohol consumption or stop drinking alcohol altogether, tapering may help. Tapering is the process of gradually weaning off alcohol rather than quitting cold turkey. The HAMS tapering guide suggests dropping your consumption to 16 drinks the first day if you were drinking more than that, and then reducing your consumption by two drinks per day.

  • You can also get help by reaching out to a professional rehab facility directly, like The Recovery Village.
  • However, understanding how an alcohol taper works and what the process is like can help you prepare yourself and find the support you need.
  • Counting each drink you consume may seem simple, but all drinks are not created equal.
  • When you drink heavily, alcohol is present in your bloodstream constantly.
  • If you drink heavily, your doctor may recommend quitting with the help of a medical detox center.

How To Taper off Alcohol Safely and Effectively

Over time, you can decrease the alcoholic drinks while increasing the non-alcoholic ones while still following the same behaviors you were used to. This involves directly reducing the amount of alcohol you consume regularly. For example, if you typically drink five beers a night, you might cut down to four, then three, and so on. However, it should not cause someone to become stuck on a step, which would defeat the purpose of a taper. A person is free to increase the taper speed (e.g., lower by three drinks instead of two) as they see fit.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

alcohol tapering schedule

For instance, many people binge drink on the weekend without drinking during the week. They may have a mild-to-moderate substance use problem without being chemically dependent. Still, they may need to consider cutting back for other physical, mental, and social health reasons. Get professional treatment and long-term support to prevent relapse.

alcohol tapering schedule

The main downside of tapering off is that it requires discipline. You’ll need to stick with gradual reduction every day and not revert to previous levels of consumption, otherwise it won’t work. If it’s too hard to control how much you drink each day, weaning might not be the right strategy.

  • You don’t have to mention anything about your drinking if you don’t want to, but make sure you’re in good shape.
  • If you or someone you know needs help detoxing from alcohol, The Recovery Village Ridgefield Drug and Alcohol Rehab is here for you.
  • Because tapering is not the recommended way to stop using alcohol, there is no recommended tapering schedule.
  • Withdrawal usually begins 6 to 8 hours after the last drink and peaks within 72 hours.
  • It’s best to reduce your drinking by a small amount each day to avoid the shock to your system.
  • Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that leads to an increase in brain neurotransmitters that slow down your brain’s functions, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
  • Here’s how to manage your drug and alcohol use if you’re looking to make a change to your mental health.
  • Within 5 minutes, you’ll receive an email with these details – free of charge.
  • Tapering off alcohol can help reduce withdrawal symptoms in some cases, but the effectiveness varies depending on individual factors and the severity of alcohol dependence.

Withdrawal symptoms are generally uncomfortable to deal with, but they can be fatal. To avoid or reduce the impact of the withdrawal symptoms, people struggling with alcohol may choose to progressively taper off alcohol rather than quit abruptly. These are general guidelines, and different people will experience different alcohol withdrawal timelines depending on their drinking habits. It is highly recommended to speak with a doctor, therapist, or some form of medical professional before beginning.